Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Important Reminder

8-29 Cannon Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00am
8-30 National College Colors Day- wear a college shirt or color
8-30 Summer Reading Logs due to Mrs. Wagner
9-2 Labor Day no school
9-5 Curriculum Night 5:30-6:15
9-20 PTA Back to School Picnic & Involvement Fair
10-28 PTA Spooky Skate 6:00-8:00

Sunday, March 27, 2016

This week

This week's important events:
3-29 & 3-30 Campus closed to visitors due to STAAR testing.
3-31  Ositos Choir performance 5:30-6:00

Wednesday, March 23, 2016



Fri. 3-25  No school (bad weather make up day)
Tues. 3-29  Campus is closed to visitors due to STAAR testing
Wed. 3-30  Campus is closed to visitors due to STAAR testing

Report card

Reminder:  Today is report card day.  Here is how to access your child's report card.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

upcoming events

This week's important dates are:
3/23  Reports cards available for viewing after 3:30pm
3/24 Principal's Coffee 8-9am in library
3/24  GCISD Bond Information Meeting 6:00pm in cafeteria
3-25 No School/ Bad Weather Day

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016



Don't forget to read over Spring Break!!! 
While you are reading, have your parent take your picture reading and email it to Mrs. Berumen tina.berumen@gcisd.net.  She will have a surprise for you when you return :)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Please help our school

EASY WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL!   Did you know that it has been OVER 5 YEARS since Cannon has done a school-sponsored fundraiser!  In an effort to provide an opportunity for Cannon parents to help support Cannon directly, by making donations that go directly to Cannon school funds (not through PTA), we are doing a Greenback Fundraiser!  Instead of asking families to support sales, such as cookie dough, candy or wrapping paper, we are making it easy for Cannon parents by simply asking parents to make a one-time donation directly to Cannon.  Funds raised through this effort will help support our G-R-O-W-T-H and will be used to help fund the purchase of curriculum materials for STEM, technology,  professional development opportunities for our teachers, and for the purchase of MORE wonderful resources that will directly benefit your child!  In order to make this as easy as possible for our parents, donations can either be made online, using a credit card (no fees involved!) or by cash/check.  Checks should be made out to Cannon Elementary.  All donations are tax-deductible and a form for tax deductions will be provided upon request. Donation forms will be sent home with all students soon!   Click here to make a donation ONLINE now!  Select the button - Cannon- Growing the Future!!

Upcoming events

This week's important dates are:
3/7-3/11  Book Fair
3/8   PTA Tuesday Tea & Talk @ 7:45 am in Cafeteria
3/10   Choir performance @ 5:30  & Open House @ 6:00-7:00 pm
3/14-3/18   Spring Break

Friday, March 4, 2016

WeDo robotics

Items needed

During the month of March, we will be collecting the following items for upcoming engineering projects.  If you can donate some, we would greatly appreciate it!  Thanks!
paper plates
pipe cleaners
toilet paper/paper towel tubes
paper cups
coffee filters
craft sticks