Red Ribbon Week Activities
Red Ribbon Week is October 24-28! Feel free to wear jeans when you dress up on any of the following theme days:
Monday: YOLO Be Drug Free! #YouOnlyLiveOnce Finish Stong!
· Students wear College Shirt/College Colors
Students receive stickers
Complete race bib with college student wants to attend
All posters must be turned into Mandy! There is a RR poster/PSA contest district-wide
Tuesday: My Feet Will Take Me Far
· Students wear sport or hobby attire
Students turn in shoe decorated with hobbies/sports they enjoy (this will go home thisweek)
Wednesday: Engineering Our Future
· Students wear Career Attire
Students write what they want to be on a lightbulb
Thursday: Dream Big
· Students wear pajamas
Complete a sentence starter on a sticky note and put it on the wall with the "Dream Big Bucket List" I want to see_____________. I want to go ________________. I want to create __________. I will be ________________. I will help __________________. I want to _______________.
Friday: My Future is Bright
· Students wear neon and Cub Dash T-shirt
Plant tulips with Mrs. Coburn. This will take about 20 min. K-2 classes will be paired with 3-5 classes and I will give you a time slot. Please bring whichever class you have at the time. There are many teachers that switch and there is no way for me to schedule every class with their homeroom teacher.