Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Important Reminder

8-29 Cannon Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00am
8-30 National College Colors Day- wear a college shirt or color
8-30 Summer Reading Logs due to Mrs. Wagner
9-2 Labor Day no school
9-5 Curriculum Night 5:30-6:15
9-20 PTA Back to School Picnic & Involvement Fair
10-28 PTA Spooky Skate 6:00-8:00

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Good Citizenship

This week we are learning what makes someone a good citizen.  We are engineering awards to present to good citizens tomorrow.
Mrs. Mills Class Voting for the student who exemplifies citizenship!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Curriculum Night is Thursday August 31st from 5:30 to 6:30.  We hope to see you there.  If you are unable to attend here is the link for the slide show.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

National College Colors Day!

Friday, September 1, 2017 is National College Colors Day! Across the United States on the first Friday of each college school year, students, parents, family, fans and alumni observe celebrate National College Colors Day. This day is annually celebrated by wearing your college’s (or the college you support) favorite colors and college/university apparel. Don’t forget to have your student wear their favorite college t-shirt or college colors on Friday, September 1st. We look forward to seeing many colleges represented throughout the school!

Download the GCISD app today!

Back 2 School Family Picnic

Friday, Sep. 8th, 6-8pm

Dove Park 509 Hood Ln, Grapevine, Texas 76051, United States

This event will be held at Dove Park. We will have the pavilion near Casey's Clubhouse. Dads' Club will grill hot dogs. PTA is asking for a RSVP online at cannonpta.com. However, anyone can come without a RSVP. (The city has requested an estimate of people at the park.) Additional parking will be available at Dove Elementary School.
Each month, Mrs. Wagner will be sharing book selections with our students, staff & families to support our Book of the Month Program. In addition to providing a summary and other information about the selected book title, she will share information about a related design challenge or other activity, as an activity or extension of the book. Please take some time each month to ask your child about the Book of the Month and encourage them to engage in the book challenges! The September Book of the Month information, as well as an introductory video created by Mrs. Wagner are provided below.

Also, please bookmark Mrs. Wagner's blog, CannonSTEMReads.blogspot.com, which can also be found on our campus website, under the Library department section. Her latest blog post offers some terrific ideas for how to encourage reading at home - check it out!!

If you are interested in being a parent volunteer in our Cannon Learning Commons (a new name for our library), please contact Mrs. Wagner at kristi.wagner@gcisd.net. She would love to have you!!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Humpty Dumpty

Challenge:  Working with your group, can you build the tallest structure for Humpty Dumpty using Keva Planks and one blocks without him falling off?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Help Harry

Today we analyzed a group work rubric and worked on being great teammates in engineering.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Practicing Reading Workshop

Today we practiced reading with a partner to get ready for Reading Workshop!

Save Fred

Today we worked on teamwork skills while doing an engineering challenge called Save Fred.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Solar Eclipse Viewing Information

BIG thanks to our Cannon parents that completed the Solar Eclipse permission form to let us know whether or not you want your child to participate in this experience. For our students who been opted-out of the viewing, we have plans to share a live-stream video and other learning opportunities in the library!

Our generous PTA has purchased approved solar glasses for students and staff to wear in order to view the eclipse safely. Our goal is to ensure that we have limited time outdoors during the day, but to have all students with permission to view in place for the optimal viewing time, which is approximately 1:09 pm for our area. We will not be having outdoor recess on Monday, in an abundance of caution for student and staff safety.

While we are providing protective eyewear that is approved, we ask that you have a conversation with your student prior to the first day of school. No student should attempt to view the eclipse using anything other than the provided protection glasses. Regular sunglasses do not provide sufficient protection for viewing an eclipse. Please advise your student that looking at the sun without these protections can cause serious, permanent eye injury. If you would like additional information to share with your student, NASA has provided resources regarding the eclipse that may be found at https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/. We encourage parents to speak with their children about the eclipse prior to the first day of school!