Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Important Reminder

8-29 Cannon Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00am
8-30 National College Colors Day- wear a college shirt or color
8-30 Summer Reading Logs due to Mrs. Wagner
9-2 Labor Day no school
9-5 Curriculum Night 5:30-6:15
9-20 PTA Back to School Picnic & Involvement Fair
10-28 PTA Spooky Skate 6:00-8:00

Friday, August 31, 2018

Citizenship Awards

Today we presented the winners of the Citizenship Awards we created.  Here are the amazing winners.  They are all great examples of good Citizenship.  Way to go 2nd Grade.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Citizenship Awards

We have been working hard this week learning about what makes someone a good citizen.  We are engineering citizenship awards to present tomorrow to deserving individuals.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Week of 8-27

News for the Week

INDEPENDENCE DAY IS MONDAY! All of our Cannon Cubs will be declared "Independent" and will walk to class on their own in the morning! Parents will be asked to drop off students in the front drive, and/or say goodbye at the front doors! Staff will be stationed around the building to ensure that all students arrive safely to their designated spaces! Thanks for your help to encourage courageous independence in our Cubs!
LABEL EVERYTHING PLEASE!   We need your help! In order for us to help ensure that any misplaced or lost items get back to their rightful owner, please label everything! Backpacks, lunch boxes, jackets/sweatshirts, EVERYTHING! Take a moment to write your child's first & last name on items with a permanent marker right away. Thank y

College Shirt Day 8-31-18
Big picture

Up Coming Events
Labor Day- No School 9-3-18
Image result for labor day images

Big picture  

PTA Back 2 School Picnic at Dove Park
Big picture 

9-11 Title 1 Parent Information Meeting 5:30-6:00- Cannon Library

9-18 Watch DOGS Kickoff & Family Involvement Fair- 6:00 pm cafeteria
Image result for watch dog  clipart 
9-24 Cubs Night Out at California Pizza Kitchen
Image result for california pizza kitchen logo  

Friday, August 24, 2018

Classroom Maker Space

We ended an amazing first week working in the classroom Maker Space.  There was some amazing building going on!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Help Harry

Today's challenge was to use pipe cleaners, index cards, foil and tape to build a perch to help "Harry" to see around our classroom better.  We are learning to work so well together that every team was successful.  Check out some of these great designs!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Saving Fred

Today we continued to work on team work with our Saving Fred Engineering Challenge.

Learning to be a Good Teammate

Mrs. Hall's class has been busy learning what it takes to be a good teammate.  These are some things we have learned.

Good Teammates:
Don't give up - they keep trying
Work Together
Speak Politely
Help Each Other
Listen and Share Ideas
Clean up after ourselves

Monday we created an army launcher and today we worked together to save Fred. We are learning a lot from our design challenges this week.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Army Launch Engineering Challenge

The kids did great on our first day engineering challenge.  They had to use the materials provided to design a launcher for an army figure.

1st Day Fun

This group is so creative!!!!  Worked on our creativity first thing this morning with some play dough challenges.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week of 8-20

News for the Week
August 20th-We will open the hallway doors at 7:30. All parents are welcome to walk their students in the first day of school without checking in at the office. After the first day, any time you visit the school you will need to check-in at the office. Don't forget to bring your ID!

Big pictureBoohoo or Yahoo Breakfast Our PTA will host a Yahoo or Boohoo Breakfast for parents in the library at 7:45. Please stop by and meet other new families at our school! 

Lunch Visits We ask that parents/grandparents not come eat with their child during the first week of school. This allows us to teach our students lunch time procedures and expectations. In addition, this allows our students time to interact and build relationships with their new classmates. Thank you for your support! Lunch visits start the week August 27th. 

Up Coming Events
Big picture

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Meet the Teacher

We can't wait to meet all of the new second graders at Cannon.  We ask that when you come to meet the teacher please bring your school supplies with you.  You do not need to label anything.  We also will need to make sure that the students have a pair of headphones or earbuds labeled with their name.  Thanks!!!!!!!

First Day of School

First Day of School Monday, August 20th-We will open the hallway doors at 7:30. All parents are welcome to walk their students in the first day of school without checking in at the office. After the first day, any time you visit the school you will need to check-in at the office. Don't forget to bring your ID!
Lunch Visits We ask that parents/grandparents not come eat with their child during the first week of school. This allows us to teach our students lunch time procedures and expectations. In addition, this allows our students time to interact and build relationships with their new classmates. Thank you for your support! Lunch visits start the week August 27th.




We have MANY parents who have NOT YET registered their returning child online!As a reminder your child will not be placed on a class list until this registration process is complete. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD TODAY!!

Registration for RETURNING Students
If you are a returning GCISD student and wish to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year, registration will be completed in the Skyward Family Access module. Click here to access the Skyward Family Access page. Please note that if you will be attending Cannon through the STEM lottery system and attended another GCISD school last year, you will register as a RETURNING student. Also, if you completed online registration for incoming Kindergarten students during the spring, you do not need to register again.

Registration for NEW Students