Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Important Reminder

8-29 Cannon Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00am
8-30 National College Colors Day- wear a college shirt or color
8-30 Summer Reading Logs due to Mrs. Wagner
9-2 Labor Day no school
9-5 Curriculum Night 5:30-6:15
9-20 PTA Back to School Picnic & Involvement Fair
10-28 PTA Spooky Skate 6:00-8:00

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

As a group we worked to analyze a sports water bottle with a pop top and grip. We had to analyze the qualities or characteristics of the package and identify how they make the bottle a good match for the product and the consumers. We filled in a Analyze a Package Chart to complete this task.

Then we discussed how each of the functions of packages is shown with the water bottle. But we talked about how this is not always true with all packages.
They worked with groups to analyze another package. Each group was given a package. They had to examine their item and then make a an Analyze a Package sheet for their package.

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