Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Important Reminder

8-29 Cannon Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00am
8-30 National College Colors Day- wear a college shirt or color
8-30 Summer Reading Logs due to Mrs. Wagner
9-2 Labor Day no school
9-5 Curriculum Night 5:30-6:15
9-20 PTA Back to School Picnic & Involvement Fair
10-28 PTA Spooky Skate 6:00-8:00

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week of 2-4-19

The Valentine's Party will be held on 2-14-19 at 2:00pm.  We ask that students bring Valentines for everyone in their class.  They only need to write who they are from on the cards.  They are welcome to make a box or bag at home for their Valentines or we will provide a brown bag for them to collect their Valentines in.


Are you interested in receiving a brick from our old Cannon building, as a keepsake? We have had several requests for bricks, so we collected and set aside a large number of bricks to have available for those who are interested.

If you are interested in receiving a brick, please complete this form. This form must be completed by Friday, February 8th. Since we have a limited number of bricks available, the form deadline may be adjusted, based on the number of requests we receive.

We will notify all parents who are interested in receiving a brick to let you know when they will be delivered to our site and are available for pick-up. If you have any questions, please let us know by contacting the school office at 817-251-5680. Thank you!


One man's trash is a curious STEM Cub's treasure!
Do you have any small old, broken electronics gathering dust? We are collecting these for our Breaker Space and our 4th grade scholars also have a project coming up and could use your old electronics to explore!
Suggestions for small items to donate: (No items with GLASS screens please! )
  • Electronic toys - we LOVE these!
  • Keyboards
  • Remotes
  • Small appliances (hair dryers; coffee makers; toasters; styling tools, etc...
  • Clocks
  • Phones
  • Smoke detectors; Flashlights; Tools
  • We would love to learn from anything you might have!
Please drop these items off in the front office or send them to school with your students to be taken to the office. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

You Art What You Eat Contest

You Art What You Eat Contest The Texas Department of Agriculture's (TDA) annual You Art What You Eat statewide student art contest is here! The student art contest offers Texas students a chance to earn statewide recognition for themselves and their school. Student winners receive a custom prize package and their artwork will inspire the design for TDA's National School Lunch Week and School Breakfast Week campaigns! 

To enter the art contest, students w ill create artwork highlighting good nutrition and TDA's theme for National School Lunch Week 2019 / School Breakfast Week 2020. The new theme is "Save the Day with a Healthy School Lunch/ Breakfast" This year TDA provides teachers with a new , easy way to upload and submit student entries.

The Submission Packet and Guidelines can be found online at www.SquareMeals.org/artcontest. The submissions deadline is April 12, 2019. Please join TDA in encouraging students to focus their artistic talents on healthy school meals by entering the You Art What You Eat statewide student art contest.


Students, you could be the artist behind our new Rachel's Challenge shirt for 2019 and everyone could be wearing your artwork. See the details in the flyer. Spanish Flyer

Parent Technology Academy

GCISD Parent Technology Academy is BACK! Come and learn along with others about the ever-changing world of technology in which your children are living!
Spring Parent Technology Academy Sessions
GCISD Technology is excited to announce our Spring Session line up with several new sessions. Stay tuned as more will be added to our list as we keep receiving the request from the community.
Come dive in and experience what students across GCISD do each day with hands-on activities around coding

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